Dr Jen-Tzung Chien
Dr Jing-Hao Xue
交流期间Jing-Hao Xue博士、于泓博士、Jen-Tzung Chien博士和马占宇博士为学院师生分别做了题目为“Metric learning with Lipschitz continuous functions”、“虚假语音检测算法研究”、“Stochastic Markov Recurrent Neural Networks”和“数据的非高斯建模与分析”的学术报告。Jing-Hao Xue博士就他近期关于度量学习的科研工作和取得的学术成果进行了分享和交流,介绍了自己在度量学习方面的一些研究成果,包括方法、理论基础和每个工作的优化公式等。于泓博士就主流的语音合成算法进行讲述,并介绍了如何构建一个有效的虚假语音检测算法,将真实语音与虚假语音进行区分从而保证声纹识别系统的安全。Jen-Tzung Chien博士介绍一种新的用于深度序列学习的随机马尔可夫递归神经网络。马占宇博士围绕如何充分利用非高斯分布数据的统计特性,探索有别于传统高斯建模的思路,揭示数据分布与模型之间的内在关联规律,实现“数据的非高斯建模与分析”这一问题进行交流。另外,各位老师也介绍了各自学校的相关情况,认真回答了同学们的提问并和他们进行讨论。
Jing-Hao Xue 介绍:
Dr Jing-Hao Xue received the B.Eng. degree in telecommunication and information systems in 1993 and the Dr.Eng. degree in signal and information processing in 1998, both from Tsinghua University, the M.Sc. degree in medical imaging and the M.Sc. degree in statistics, both from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in statistics from the University of Glasgow in 2008. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistical Science at University College London and a Turing Fellow in the Alan Turing Institute. His research interests include statistical machine learning, high-dimensional data analysis, pattern recognition and image analysis.
Jen-Tzung Chien 介绍:
Jen-Tzung Chien received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC, in 1997. He is now with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, where he is currently a Chair Professor. He held the Visiting Professor position at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, in 2010. His research interests include machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and computer vision.
Dr. Chien served as the associate editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters in 2008-2011 and the tutorial speaker of the ICASSP in 2012, 2015, 2017, the INTERSPEECH in 2013, 2016, the COLING in 2018, the AAAI, ACL, KDD, IJCAI in 2019, and the general co-chair of the IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing in 2017. He received the Best Paper Award of IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop in 2011 and the AAPM Farrington Daniels Award in 2018. He has published extensively, including the books "Bayesian Speech and Language Processing", Cambridge University Press, in 2015, and "Source Separation and Machine Learning", Academic Press, in 2018. He is currently serving as an elected member of the IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee.
马占宇,瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH-Royal Institute of Technology)博士,现任北京邮电大学副教授、博士生导师,丹麦奥尔堡大学(Aalborg University)兼职副教授、博士生导师,IEEE 高级会员,中国图象图形学学会高级会员、理事、副秘书长,中国计算机学会高级会员、计算机视觉专委会秘书长。主要研究方向是以数据的非高斯建模与分析为代表的模式识别与机器学习基础理论与方法,及其在计算机视觉、城市大数据分析、多媒体信号处理等领域的应用。共在包括IEEE TPAMI 在内的期刊和会议上发表论文80 多篇,Google Scholar 引用1800+次,5 篇论文入选ESI 高被引论文(含3 篇热点论文)。担任IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等多个国际期刊的编委,是SPLINE 2016 Technical Co-Chair,IEEE MLSP 2018 Program Chair 等国际会议职务或委员,授 权发明专利15 项;主持国家自然基金优秀青年科学基金、联合重点基金、国家重点研发计划课题等项目;获中国人工智能学会“第七届吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖”一等奖,“北京市科学技术奖”二等奖,“北京青年优秀科技论文”一等奖;得到自然基金“优青”、 “北京市科技新星”计划等人才项目计划的支持。